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Welcome to R E Smith Inc.!
What’s Special About RE Smith:
We engineer, manufacture, and test our entire product line in the Cincinnati Ohio area.
Many of our products were developed in response to a customer’s specific need.
Your feedback and comments drive us to improve the products and develop new ideas.
We want to hear about your communications problems. We may already have the solution.
Technical assistance and system design help is available at no charge. (513) 874-4796
Our products are at the South Pole, the bottom of the sea, the edge of space, and in between.
We ship small quantities of stock items the same day and larger quantities in a few days.
Our no argument warranty and repair policy will get you back up and running quickly.
What’s Special About Our Products:
We feature RS232, RS422, RS485, USB, and ethernet devices using copper and fiber.
Broad range of converters, repeaters, and I/O boards. Many are microprocessor controlled.
Unique rapid auto data direction control reverses a half-duplex channel without software or hardware intervention. This avoids data collisions and leading edge degradation.
Handles all serial data on a bit by bit basis. Compatible with all formats, data/baud rates, and bits per character. RE Smith devices will not limit your communication speed.
Extended range. Reliable operation at distances far beyond the conventional RS485 limit. Distances of 3 miles at 115.2Kbps to 8+ miles at 4800bps are typical.
High noise immunity. We employ transient suppression and 3KV galvanic isolation. Where advantageous, we feature dual isolation, and multi-level transient protection. If your system is unreliable, flakey, or blows up from time to time, you need to talk to us. Been there, done that!
Industrial strength: Wide power supply, temperature and humidity tolerance.
Easy hookup: Fixed/removable screw terminals, USB, RJ11/12/45, and barrel connectors.
Unlimited phone support. Schematics and data available on line. We’re eager to help.
What’s New:
Modular Fiber/copper converters, repeaters, distribution amplifier, monitor/tap point devices, sharing a common motherboard/platform. This provides a wide range of interface possibilities.
High speed 3KV isolated Converters and Repeaters capable of speeds to 10Mbps.
Extended range 3KV isolated high drive voltage(12-15V) devices using CAT-5/6 cable. Distances of 3 miles at 115.2Kbps to 8+ miles at 4800bps are typical.